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Cellnex's COVID-19 Relief Initiative

Right from the outset of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, COVID-19), Cellnex Telecom, as an operator of telecommunications infrastructures for radio and TV (DTT), voice and data, and communication networks for security forces (police and firefighters) and emergencies (medical and maritime rescue), has deployed its contingency and business continuity plans in the countries in which it operates.

Our main goal is to preserve the security and availability of the services we provide 24×7 while ensuring the application of the strictest protection measures for our employees and co-workers.

Furthermore, under the umbrella of the “Cellnex COVID-19 Relief Initiative”, the company maintains several lines of cooperation to the tune of €10 million with NGOs and various hospitals that are helping to minimise the health, economic and social impact derived from the pandemic.

The Covid-19 experience first-hand

Cellnex professionals from all over Europe tell us how their countries and teams have approached the situation caused by Covid-19, sharing their reflections on the world of telecommunications, the challenges to come and the lessons learned during this extraordinary situation.


We invite you to discover it through this interactive map by clicking on the yellow dots.


Cellnex’s COVID-19 Relief Initiative

Cellnex has developed the “Cellnex’s Covid-19 Relief Initiative” in the face of the global crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. A fund of €10 million for collaborations with national and international organisations and projects that are helping to minimise the health, economic and social impact of the crisis.

  • Barnados
  • Cancer Fund for Children
Barnados – Ireland

Barnardos supports children whose well-being is under threat, by working with them, their families and communities and by campaigning for the rights of children. Since the outset of the Covid-19 crisis, it has rapidly adapted its services, serving 1,720 families in urgent need of support.

For further information: Ireland: One year in business

Cancer Fund for Children – Ireland

Cancer Fund for Children, a team of specialists providing a wide range of practical, financial and emotional assistance to families affected by cancer, at home, during hospitalisation and in their social setting.

For further information: Ireland: one year in business

  • Emmaüs Connect
Emmaüs Connect – France

An entity dedicated to providing digital inclusion for the most vulnerable groups. Cellnex France and Emmaüs Connect have launched a two-year collaborative project to work towards the digital inclusion of the most vulnerable groups of society.

100 introductory computer workshops will be organised along with 100 connection assistance services; 100 beneficiaries will be supported through an educational programme, and a new reception point will be opened. Likewise, Cellnex employees will be offered the possibility to participate in volunteer and mentoring activities.

For further information: Joining forces for digital inclusion

  • Hospital Clínic
Hospital Clínic – Spain/France/Italy

A European consortium of hospitals led by the Clinic-IDIBAPS and the Blood and Tissue Bank, and also featuring the IISGM-Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, the IRST-IRCCS in Meldola, the INSERM-U1183 in Montpellier and the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, has started a research project in cellular immunotherapy to tackle COVID-19.

For further information:

Cellnex funds cellular immunotherapy project fight Covid-19
Un consorci europeu d’hospitals liderats pel Clínic-Idibaps amb el suport de Cellnex Telecom impulsa un projecte de immunoterapia cel·lular per fer front a la Covid-19

  • Médecins Sans Frontières
Médecins Sans Frontières – Switzerland

MSF provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Their teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff – bound together by their charter. Their actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality. They are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

MSF was founded in 1971 in Paris by a group of journalists and doctors. Today, they are a worldwide movement of nearly 65,000 people.

During the coronavirus pandemic their medical, logistical and health promotion staff were working in projects across cantons (states) Geneva and Vaud, primarily assisting vulnerable people, refugees and the elderly.

  • Banco Alimentare
  • Community of Sant’Egidio
  • Croce Rossa Italiana
  • Protezione Civile
Banco Alimentare – Italy

This organisation provides social, economic, environmental and educational support to the poorest of society. Banco Alimentare provides food to charities, which in turn distribute it to people in need. It also promotes and performs activities to educate about the importance of valuing food and not wasting it, as well as raising awareness about issues of poverty, food poverty, healthy diets and volunteering.

Community of Sant’Egidio – Italy

A Christian community born in 1968 in a secondary school in the centre of Rome. Over the years, it has become a network of communities present in more than 70 countries around the world. The Community pays special attention to outlying neighbourhoods, bringing together men and women of all ages and conditions, united by a voluntary and free commitment to the poor and to peace.

Croce Rossa Italiana – Italy

Founded in 1864, the general objective of this non-profit association is to prevent and alleviate suffering, without any distinction by nationality, race, sex, creed, language, social class or political opinion, helping to maintain and promote human dignity and a culture of non-violence and peace.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 alert, the Croce Rossa Italiana has been working on the front line, adopting multiple measures such as emergency response, health services, psychological support, logistics, awareness campaigns, detection tests and providing substantial support to crucial activities to help fight the pandemic.

Protezione Civile – Italy

A department of the Italian Government in charge of coordinating the response to natural disasters, catastrophes and other events the intensity or scope of which requires extraordinary management.

Protezione civile (Civil Protection) has managed the COVID-19 crisis in Italy in accordance with the consequences that the country has suffered.

Cellnex’s financial contribution has helped to purchase respirators and safety equipment for medical personnel as well as providing support to set up additional facilities to manage the large number of patients.

  • Sea Cadets
Sea Cadets – United Kingdom

A national youth charity working with 15,000 young people between 10 and 18 years old across the UK. It has over 400 units run by 9,000 volunteers that facilitate the cadets’ activities that make them explore the world, take a break from screens and have role models.

The platform they offer is built on the customs, traditions and values of the Royal Navy: courage, commitment, discipline, respect, integrity and honesty.

Cellnex provides financial support to youth training programmes in areas such as maritime engineering, meteorology and navigation developed by the Sea Cadets through 69 local units in the south of England.

  • Armoede Fonds
  • National Ouderen Fonds
  • Oranje Fonds
Armoede Fonds – The Netherlands

This poverty fund provides financial support to local aid organisations so that they can continue their vital work for people living in poverty.

More and more older people in the Netherlands live in poverty and need the support of entities like Armoede Fonds.

National Ouderen Fonds – The Netherlands

National Ouderen Fonds (National Fund for the Elderly) is dedicated to all senior citizens in the Netherlands. They offer all kinds of activities to enable people to meet so that everyone has the chance to age actively.

Its pillars are: active ageing, the inspiration of an age-friendly environment and combating loneliness.

Oranje Fonds – The Netherlands

Oranje Fonds is the largest national fund in the social field in the Netherlands. It was created in 2002, after merging with the Koningin Juliana Fonds, created in 1948.

It focuses on projects that ensure that we can all participate in society. Support is provided in monetary, knowledge and care contributions.

  • Assistência Médica Internacional (AMI)
Assistência Médica Internacional (AMI) – Portugal

Assistência Médica Internacional (AMI) l was founded in 1984 with the Human Being as the center of all concerns. Since 1987, it has worked in 82 countries around the world, having sent hundreds of volunteers and tons of help.

Since 1994, aware of the reality experienced in Portugal, AMI expanded its area of operation, aiming to minimize the effects of the phenomena of poverty and social exclusion in the national territory.

At the beginning of the pandemic, AMI created an aid campaign, called “Os amigos são para as ocasiões” to increase the support given to elderly and other groups of risk such as cancer patients, people living with HIV, diabetics, monoparental families and other cases of social isolation.

Cellnex contributes to the cost of essential goods baskets that are going to be delivered to the target audience of this initiative.

  • Banco de Alimentos de Madrid
  • Cáritas
  • Casal dels Infants
  • Cruz Roja
  • Fundació Formació i Treball
  • Sant Joan de Déu Hospital
  • Leitat
  • Save the Children
Banco de Alimentos de Madrid – Spain

Cellnex collaborates with the Banco de Alimentos de Madrid (BAM) with an economic contribution to cover part of the operational needs that have increased substantially as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Since the onset of the health crisis, demand for food has increased by more than 40%, and the entity serves 190,000 beneficiaries through 540 registered charities.

Cáritas – Spain

Cáritas Española sets out to perform the charitable and social work of the Church in Spain through its confederate members. It promotes the overall development of people and of peoples, especially the poorest and most excluded.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the network of 70 Diocesan Cáritas that make up Cáritas Española has put all its efforts into supporting the most disadvantaged communities in the face of the social-health crisis caused by COVID-19.

Cellnex takes part in this objective by providing financial resources to the campaigns developed by Càritas Catalunya and Cáritas Diocesana Madrid to alleviate the effects of the crisis.

Casal dels Infants – Spain

Casal dels Infants is an NGO that has been supporting girls, boys and young people at risk of social exclusion since 1983, providing them with support to try to overcome inequality of opportunities and thus prevent poverty being inherited.

Cellnex has collaborated in the project to support people in situations of high vulnerability to the COVID-19 crisis.

Cruz Roja – Spain

The Spanish Red Cross is a humanitarian organisation that provides comprehensive responses to vulnerable people from a human and community development perspective, reinforcing their individual capacities in their social context.

Cellnex has provided funds to purchase masks and other protective equipment to meet needs in areas of special risk.

For further information: Coronavirus emergency in Spain

FESBAL – Spain

The Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) is a non-political and non-denominational NGO founded in 1996 which promotes, drives and coordinates Food Banks associated in the fight against hunger, poverty and food waste, using and distributing food among the people most in need, in addition to other social functions.

FESBAL is made up of 54 associated Food Banks throughout Spain, which operate distributing food to more than 7,000 charities and over 1,000,000 beneficiaries.

Cellnex has contributed financially to the “The Great Food Collection 2020” campaign, the largest solidarity event of the Food Banks for the benefit of the most disadvantaged people in Spain due to the health and social crisis caused by COVID-19.

Fundació Formació i Treball – Spain

The Fundación Formació i Treball aims to train and employ people at risk of social exclusion and manage the distribution of clothing, furniture and other household equipment to vulnerable families.

Cellnex has collaborated in the project to acquire computer equipment (mainly tablets) for groups in vulnerable situations in order to prevent the lack of access to technology from deepening the social gap.

Sant Joan de Déu Hospital – Spain

Sant Joan de Déu Hospital has created Kids Corona, a unique initiative that was set up to understand whether children have some natural protection against COVID-19 and how this disease affects pregnant women. Kids Corona provides an open access platform for researchers from around the world, health professionals and the general public to join forces to find answers.

Cellnex contributes financially to the activities performed under the Kids Corona initiative.

IFEMA – Spain

During the first wave of the pandemic, the Government of the Community of Madrid adapted the facilities of the IFEMA exhibition hall to use them as a field hospital to help take the pressure off hospital admissions.

Cellnex voluntarily contributed the sensors needed to control environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, air quality, etc.) by using Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the SmartBrain data management platform.

For further information:

Twitter Feria de Madrid
Hospital de IFEMA (Wikipedia)

Leitat – Spain

Leitat is a technology centre whose aim is to manage technologies to create and transfer sustainable social, environmental, economic and industrial value to companies and entities through research and processes.

Cellnex has taken part in a project to design, approve and manufacture a field ventilator to meet the exceptional needs of this type of device in treating respiratory complications derived from Covid-19 infection.

The company contributed financially but also with components and experience of Cellnex Telecom in sensorisation and connectivity to improve the control systems of the device using IoT (Internet of Things) technologies.

For further information:

Cellnex “connects” a field ventilator to the internet of things

Save the Children – Spain

Save the Children works to give millions of children the chance to be what they want to be today and to dream of what they will be tomorrow.

Cellnex has taken part in the “A tu lado” project involving educational intervention programmes through remote school support and providing them with technological tools (internet connection, distribution of tablets …) particularly for minors in vulnerable situations.

For further information: Save the Children – A tu lado

UNICEF – Spain

UNICEF works to ensure that all children in the world can enjoy their childhood without concerns. It defends children’s rights above all else, with passion, dedication and rigour in over 190 countries.

Cellnex has worked alongside the “Coronavirus Emergency” campaign providing protective equipment and detection kits to the communities that need them most.

For further information: Donación emergencia coronavirus


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