At Cellnex we are firmly committed to promoting a solid culture of compliance, ethics and integrity in the performance of all our activities, both by the company’s staff and its representatives, suppliers and other stakeholders.
We conduct our activity under an efficient and transparent corporate governance, which promotes this culture. We work to implement and consolidate the best Corporate Governance practices, included essentially in the Code of Good Governance of listed companies, approved by the National Securities Market Commission in February 2015 and revised in June 2020.
Ethics and compliance
The Cellnex Code of Ethics is the standard that sets out the ethical values and principles that should govern our behaviour and the conduct of our activity. It establishes the general guidelines for action that are mandatory for all our staff and stakeholders.
The Ethical Channel establishes the communication channels through which all our employees and stakeholders can confidentially report any irregularities within the company and also ask questions about the interpretation of the Cellnex Code of Ethics and other applicable internal regulations.
Risk management and integrated management system
We integrate the risk culture in the company using the Global Risk Management Model based on three lines. In addition, we establish our global operations through an Integrated Management System.