Success Case
Cellnex TV Zoo
Cellnex has a TV Zoo equipped with a representative sample of SmartTVs sold in Spain since 2014. This Lab is located in Madrid and has over 120 televisions from various brands, allowing for interoperability testing of different audiovisual technologies operated by Cellnex, such as HbbTV, UHD, multichannel audio, and DVB-T/T2, among others.
The laboratory grows every year with new devices from major brands, thanks to the Hybrid DTT certification process and LOVEStv, a catchup TV platform managed by Cellnex.
The lab is primarily used for conducting interoperability tests on the LOVEStv platform, as well as the TDT Híbrida certification. Before making any broadcasting changes, relevant tests are performed to determine the impact of these changes on the installed television park.
The laboratory is also available to broadcasters and HbbTV application developers for conducting their own on-site interoperability tests or for Cellnex’s specialized staff to perform tests and provide a report with the results

- TV zoo management requires a close relationship with TV manufacturers. Access to TV samples is needed, if posible having them even before they hit the market. Interaction with each manufacturer’s technical team, is necessary to better understand and resolve any interoperability issues detected during testing.
- Another significant challenge is the required space. Many televisions are sold, and the average screen sizes is bigger every year. To keep the zoo updated, it’s necessary to store samples of every new platform (group of televisions that behave in the same way) from most manufacturers.
- Thanks to LOVEStv and the TDT Híbrida certification, Cellnex has an excellent relationship with television manufacturers who collaborate and appreciate having a dialogue to identify and resolve market problems that arise in Spain.
- Cellnex has an annex room to the lab with more than 120m² dedicated to the Television Zoo. From the lab, test signals are generated, and the different equipment necessary to pass the TDT Híbrida and LOVEStv tests are configured.