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ESG Related Documents
Sustainability is part of our DNA as a company. The fundamental pillar is our business model, which focuses on the shared management of telecommunications infrastructures.

At Cellnex we integrate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects into our strategy, measuring and managing the impacts we generate on society and the environment in an efficient and responsible manner.

Our value creation model, based on the ESG Policy, is materialised through the 2021-2025 ESG Master Plan that sets out the roadmap to be followed.

By establishing objectives and commitments, we aspire to continue improving Cellnex’s sustainability performance while extending our commitment throughout our value chain and with our stakeholders.


The ESG Master Plan (2021-2025) integrates ethical and good governance, social and environmental initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in accordance with international standards and the latest trends in sustainability with commitments and objectives in accordance with the expectations of all our stakeholders, identified from an internal and external diagnosis. A mid-term review of the ESG Master Plan was carried out in 2023. The ESG Master Plan now consists of a total of 6 strategic axes, 21 strategic lines and more than 100 actions. The SDGs corresponding to each strategic line have also been updated.

Strategic Axes

Strategic lines

ESG Awareness.

Create strong relationship with our stakeholders and alliances with third parties

Related SDGs

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Strategic lines

Manage the risks and opportunities of our activity.

Act ethically, respecting compliance and regulatory standards.

Cybersecurity & privacy of information.


Related SDGs

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Strategic lines

Create a common corporate culture among the group.

Define and implement our equity, diversity and inclusion programme.

Promote and foster talent attraction and retention.

Respect health and safety and wellbeing of our employees at their workplace.

Related SDGs

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Strategic lines

Participate and collaborate in social contribution initiatives.

Measure and manage our impact on society.

Related SDGs

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Strategic lines

Integrated environment management

Climate Change

Energy management

Water management

Circular Economy

Biodiversity and land use

Infrastructures Environmental impacts

Training, awareness and collaboration with Community

Related SDGs

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Strategic lines

Extend our commitment to suppliers.

Extend our commitment to customers.

Related SDGs

ODS graphic

Strategic lines

ESG Awareness.

Create strong relationship with our stakeholders and alliances with third parties

Related SDGs

ODS graphic

Strategic lines

Manage the risks and opportunities of our activity.

Act ethically, respecting compliance and regulatory standards.

Cybersecurity & privacy of information.


Related SDGs

ODS graphic

Strategic lines

Create a common corporate culture among the group.

Define and implement our equity, diversity and inclusion programme.

Promote and foster talent attraction and retention.

Respect health and safety and wellbeing of our employees at their workplace.

Related SDGs

ODS graphic

Strategic lines

Participate and collaborate in social contribution initiatives.

Measure and manage our impact on society.

Related SDGs

ODS graphic

Strategic lines

Integrated environment management

Climate Change

Energy management

Water management

Circular Economy

Biodiversity and land use

Infrastructures Environmental impacts

Training, awareness and collaboration with Community

Related SDGs

ODS graphic

Strategic lines

Extend our commitment to suppliers.

Extend our commitment to customers.

Related SDGs

ODS graphic


sourcing of renewable electricity in 2022 and target of 100% by 2025


of women in management positions in 2022 and target of 30% by 2025


independent directors in 2022


Our commitment to the SDGs

At Cellnex we are committed to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since our beginnings in 2015 we have been part of the United Nations Global Compact as an expression of our commitment to internalising the corporate social responsibility concept into our operational strategy and organisational culture. Each year we publish the Communication on Progress (COP) in accordance with the ten principles of the Global Compact.

Every year we analyse, measure and communicate our commitment to the SDGs that we have identified as priorities. This was our contribution during 2023:

  • SDG of High Relevance for the Cellnex Group
  • SDG of Medium Relevance for the Cellnex Group
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  • Cellnex Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan.
  • Participation of Cellnex in the UN Target Gender Equity Programme.
  • Support from Cellnex to the Women's Acceleration Development Programme.
  • Boosting the Cellnex Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Community.
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  • Company activities are carried out using renewable energies.
  • Cellnex's value creation model, based on the ESG Policy, is delivered through its 2021-2025 ESG Master Plan, which lays out the roadmap and action plan.
  • Promotion and implementation of successful sustainable finance.
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  • Study of Cellnex’s socioeconomic contribution.
  • Company commitments reflected in several policies and documents such as Due Diligence in Human Rights, ESG Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Code of Ethics Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Code of Conduct for suppliers.
  • Boosting "ESG essentials" programme training course, launched for all employees. This online programme includes the basics to understand sustainability and how it is integrated into the Cellnex Strategy.
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  • Promotion of projects related to exploring the impacts that existing and future technologies would have on the company's business.
  • Projects closely related to mobility connections and intelligent infrastructures, such as highways, railway tracks and ports.
  • Managing public health and emergencies using 5G.
  • The third edition of the Cellnex Bridge programme was launched, focusing on accelerating social impact startups.
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  • Measures have been established to prevent, monitor and minimise negative consequences on cities and communities.
  • Cellnex Ireland launched "Get Connected" on a pilot basis in 2021 as a way of identifying communities who need better coverage and who can come together to support the deployment of services in their area.
  • Cellnex’s brand, as a socially responsible company, generates a positive impact on local communities.
  • Boosting the Youth Challenge, a Cellnex corporate volunteering initiative that strives to create a positive impact on vulnerable environments within local communities.
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  • Cellnex promotes energy efficiency in processes and procedures.
  • Cellnex supports the development of initiatives to reduce energy consumption at the Company's facilities.
  • An Energy Transition Plan is being introduced. It has four pillars: Energy 4.0, Green Energy, Energy Efficiency and Self Generation.
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  • Publication of the fourth annual Environment and Climate Change report in 2023.
  • Publication on internal and external channels of a video to increase awareness and dissemination of Cellnex’s environmental strategy and climate objectives.
  • The climate action measures that were outlined have been successfully completed at a rate of 93%.
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  • Social projects and volunteer programmes through the Cellnex Foundation.
  • Projects and collaborations with third sector entities.
  • Participation of Cellnex in sector associations.
  • Creation of synergies through the Cellnex Foundation.
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  • Cellnex ensures Health Surveillance through expertised Occupational Medicine.
  • Ensures the formation and operation of Health and Safety committees.
  • Employment a unified corporate system to efficiently handle incidents related to occupational safety and health.
  • Cellnex obtained the WELL Certification in 2023 for its corporate headquarters in Barcelona (Spain) with the highest level of certification, PLATINUM.
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  • Cellnex Group's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Programme.
  • Promotion of the Corporate Volunteering Programme.
  • Cellnex collaborates with small organisations through the Foundation and finance projects that align with its mission.
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The economic contribution of the European wireless infrastructure sector

A report for the European Wireless Infrastructure Association (EWIA)

Cellnex has integrated sustainability into the business, raising to the Board the supervision of the ESG Strategy, through the Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee, seeking a balance between social, economic and environmental aspects.

Marieta del Rivero

_Board of director


Extending our comminment to the value chain

We manage the supply chain in accordance with our industrial model, promoting efficient, innovative, sustainable and quality hiring as a lever to provide optimal service to our customers.

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